Sunday, 5 December 2010

The Patron Saint of What no.

"First you will hate Peter. Then you will hate the day you were born."
-Peter Porcal
Passing it on.
  I was thinking the other day about how Maestro Porcal could very well be one of the last remaining scholars on earth. At least one of the last that has devoted his life to sharing wisdom with the peasants rather than lining up in the patent office. Peter says often, to the immediate discomfort of his students, "Peter will die soon. But you, beautiful children, will never die." 
  This is a ruse. I wouldn't be surprised if he had lived through the renaissance itself, conversed with Michelangelo ("Mike" as he calls him), or lectured in greek to a group of budding philosophers. We all love the posh way he dresses but I think he's more suited to a toga when he stands proud in front of his bright-eyed pupils.
  Peter Porcal has been a part of the Florence program since it began about 36 years ago. My high school art teacher was taught by this man in Florence the year I was born, yet she still finds every opportunity to speak highly of him. There's something to be said about a man who chooses to remain in the company of individuals that have such an interesting and sometimes volatile relationship with their emotions. I just don't know what that thing to be said happens to be.
  I do know that he cares for people. Not just the people he's being paid to care for, because I don't think that he gives a flying fart about how much he's being paid, but anybody that could appreciate what he has to offer. 
  We were in Venice for a weekend in October to absorb the history of a sinking city. Peter took us on quite the hike from cathedral to cathedral with barely a seat in between. Most of us are in our early to mid twenties and were exhausted, but Peter kept his composure in spite of the limp he was walking with.
  I remember I was  leaning against the railing on a ferry heading across the canal on the way back to our hostel when he baffled me. He was closer to the middle of the "standing room only" and there were about three passengers between him and myself. One of the passengers was a young blind man of about 25. He seemed to be handling the sway of the boat but you could tell it strained him more than was comfortable. I'm not going to lie and tell you I would've helped him. If he had fallen I would have caught him of course but I must've assumed he was used to being troubled with balance on the ferry and stood aside, cautiously watching, making sure not to stare. This was all in a few moments. Peter reacted so quickly. He was somewhat unstable himself yet in a blur of greyish hair and polite requests, he stabilized the man with a friendly arm. This should have made us all look bad but that's not Peter's style. In fact, I may have been the only one to notice (purely by chance) his subtle act of kindness. I watched as Peter's presence and conversation put a smile on the man's face. My little understanding of Italian told me they were strangers to each other, engaging only in small talk. But I think Peter knows that for some people, small talk can do big things
  I hope I don't betray his modesty in writing this but I thought that those who know him would enjoy that simple, character reinforcing story of Peter. And for those that don't know him, it might be nice to know that there are a few people out there that don't abuse their influence. There are people who respect the power they have as a mentor to young people in transition. Even after 36 years of being worshipped.


  1. I feel tearful... this means we must do sumtin for him...I remember when he had a limp..

  2. I studied in Florence with Peter last fall. And I will never forget him. Thank you for writing this. It was touching.

  3. Mark I am loving your writings. Each time I read your work, my eyes moisten and I hold my breath... your observations are moving... Nancy MacL

  4. Ah thanks guys!

    This was a tough one to start. It's so daunting to write about someone everyone loves without understating them (as I'm sure this still did).

  5. what a beautiful story of a beautiful man! you know, when i ran into peter out side the train station a couple of years ago, he held my face in both his hands, even though he couldn't quite remember me... it had been about 8 years... and my girlfriend said i looked like an awestruck child.... he is indeed powerful!

  6. Thanks for such a beautiful stories. There is nothing better than when we remember the good, or even love.

  7. Dear dear, how sad - I gave good memory of Peter Porcal a very long time ago (the early 1980s), when I was beginning research on a doctoral dissertation: my professor - who also just died, so sad- sent me to him, because he kwen about the Renaissance and - being Czech - could help me with the Czech literature needed for my subject. He was very kind and helpful, and I think I got an inviation to write an article through his mediation. The first time I was in Czechia I visited Cesky Krumlov, and in the (still very Communist) hotel, a group of people from a local factory invited me to their table; when it turned out I lived in Florence - they asked did I know someone called Peter Porcal, who was from their neighbourhood (he had fled to the Netherlands after the Prague Spring of 1568) - what a chance that I did ! They told me he had been a skating champion when at high-school... he never told me about that...

    (Dirk Jansen)
